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Harlingen Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The process of filing a claim for a motorcycle accident can be daunting and lengthy, as victims need to prove fault and liability to seek the compensation they deserve.

With the help of the experienced Harlingen motorcycle accident attorneys at Kenny Perez Law, you don’t have to go through this process alone and unassisted. Our lawyers have represented motorcycle victims for years to help them recover full compensation for their injuries and pain and suffering.

If we find that you have a viable motorcycle accident case, we can help you build a claim to recover the damages.

How Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Harlingen, TX

harlingen motorcycle accident

Texas experiences many accidents involving motorcycles, and the Harlingen area is no exception. In Cameron County, several of the most accident-prone sites include:

  • Farm to market roads, such as FM 803 and FM 511, which are particularly narrow and winding
  • Harrison Street and other city roads
  • Various county roads
  • TX-4 and other state highways
  • S. highways like U.S. Route 77 and 83
  • Interstate highways, such as I-69E and I-2

These and other locations throughout the Harlingen area present many risks to motorcyclists and other drivers. Many motorcycle accidents in this area and others take place because of other drivers’ negligence. In some cases, drivers may not see motorcycles when performing lane changes or if they don’t give themselves enough distance to avoid rear-end collisions. Other instances may involve drivers who fail to stop for traffic lights or stop signs.

Regardless of the circumstances leading to a motorcycle accident, victims have the right to seek compensation if someone else’s negligence contributed to their injuries.

Potential Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

There are several possible causes of motorcycle accidents in Harlingen.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, motorcycle accidents fall under three general categories, including:

  • Unsafe road conditions
  • Driver error
  • Drivers disobeying traffic laws

Additionally, other specific factors contribute to motorcycle accidents, such as:

Uneven Terrain

Over time, with heavy and continuous vehicle traffic, roads can experience wear and tear as potholes and other hazards form. These hazards could contribute to motorcycle accidents by impacting handling. Puddles and oil spills may also make a motorcycle difficult to handle and cause an accident.

While larger vehicles may have an easier time navigating these hazards, they can seriously affect motorcyclists.

Inclement Weather

Certain weather conditions such as wind, rain, snow, and ice can put motorists of all types at risk. In addition to limiting a driver’s visibility, bad weather can lead to slippery roads that affect handling. As a result, vehicles that follow motorcycles too closely and don’t have time to stop on slick roads could collide with motorcycles.

High Volumes of Traffic

During rush hour and other busy periods, the streets of Harlingen can become clogged with traffic. In the process, this traffic can present certain risks for motorcyclists. With more vehicles on the road, drivers in larger cars and trucks may be less likely to notice motorcycles, and they may fail to give motorcyclists sufficient space to navigate. Some accidents may also result from motorcyclists getting trapped between vehicles.

In addition to all of these potential motorcycle accident causes, our firm has helped people injured in accidents caused by:

  • Tailgating
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Using a cellphone while operating a vehicle
  • Poor road maintenance
  • Intoxication

The Advantages of Hiring Our Harlingen Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

harlingen motorcycle accident lawyer

Texas is a fault-based state when it comes to motorcycle accidents, which means if another negligent driver’s actions caused an accident, the liable party will need to cover the damages. Motorcycle accident victims may recover compensation by filing a claim against the at-fault driver, or they may recover compensation from several negligent parties, including vehicle manufacturers.

If you or a loved one sustained any serious injuries following a motorcycle accident, consult with our team of Harlingen motorcycle accident attorneys as soon as possible. Our legal team can help you avoid making any potential mistakes that might otherwise negatively impact your claim. We’ll make it easier for you to navigate the claims process and seek the compensation you deserve.

Some of the key benefits of hiring a Harlingen motorcycle accident lawyer at Kenny Perez Law include:

  • We can work with you to handle the claims process from initial filing to settlement: Filing a motorcycle accident claim entails much more than completing certain forms. In addition to filling out paperwork, accident victims will need to collect and provide documentation from police reports and hospital bills to medical records and evidence from the accident scene. The process of getting all of this together and organizing it can overwhelm inexperienced people. We can make it much simpler for you.
  • We can prevent possible financial loss: Throughout the claims process, certain things can go wrong. For instance, victims may file their claim after the deadline has passed, or they may list the wrong defendant. Improperly presenting information can also cause the victim to lose the claim or lawsuit. The experienced and knowledgeable Harlingen motorcycle accident lawyers at Kenny Perez Law can help avoid these potentially costly mistakes.
  • We can handle negotiations with insurers: Insurance adjusters frequently attempt to seek the lowest possible settlement for accident claims of any kind. They may offer you an initial settlement that appears adequate when you actually deserve a higher amount. We will help you negotiate with insurance companies to seek the total amount of compensation that you may be entitled to recover.
  • We will take the case to court if required: Not all motorcycle accident cases end with the claims process if neither party can agree on fault or a settlement amount. Insurance companies may even deny the claim altogether. In these cases, we may help file a lawsuit and represent our clients throughout the legal process.

Harlingen Motorcycle accident FAQ

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Harlingen, Texas, you may be unsure about your rights and whether it is possible to pursue a claim. Oftentimes, motorcycle accidents result in serious injuries and other damages that warrant compensation through a claim or lawsuit. A personal injury attorney understands the concerns that accident victims may have about motorcycle accident cases.

To help you better understand what a motorcycle accident case entails in Harlingen, the following are some frequently asked questions about these accidents, along with in-depth answers. For more information, reach out to a personal injury attorney today.

Where do motorcycle accidents frequently occur in Harlingen, Texas?

Throughout Texas, many locations present certain hazards for motorcyclists and other motorists. Cameron County, including Harlingen, contains several of these potentially dangerous sites.

These sites include:

  • Certain county roads
  • FM 803, FM 511, and other farm-to-market roads that often twist and turn with narrow lanes
  • TX-4, along with other highways in Texas
  • National highways such as U.S. Route 83 and 77
  • City roads like E. Harrison Street
  • I-2, I-69E, and other interstate highways

These accident sites and others could put motorcyclists and others at risk of injury under certain circumstances.

What should I do following a motorcycle accident in Harlingen?

Immediately following a motorcycle accident in Harlingen, any injured parties need to seek medical treatment. If no one requires immediate treatment, the people involved should contact the police to begin a police report. However, the police may not come to the scene of an accident if nobody is injured.

Regardless of whether the police arrive at the scene, it is important for the people involved to try to collect the names, phone numbers, addresses, and insurance details of everyone else involved in the accident. Additionally, take the time to collect photos or video footage of the scene, including any damage to vehicles or other nearby property. Debris on the road and skid marks could also show how an accident took place and the motion of the vehicles involved, which could be invaluable proof to support a claim if the other party disputes fault.

Another important step to take is to avoid admitting fault in any way, including apologizing to the other motorist for hitting them. Any admission of fault could severely hinder a claim or lawsuit and make it difficult to prove that the other driver was at fault, even if you truly were not at fault. Keep in mind that traffic collision reports may determine you to be at fault, but you may still be able to file a claim if you believe you were not at fault. These reports could contain certain errors that you or your attorney may be able to identify later.

How long do I have to file a motorcycle accident injury claim?

Following any vehicle accident, contact insurers as quickly as possible, especially after an injury. Filing a claim early on can get insurance companies to initiate the claims process and begin negotiations. According to state law, Texas has a two-year statute of limitations on motorcycle accident cases. If you wait too long, it will become more difficult or impossible to recover compensation for injuries and other related damages.

While the statute of limitations for most motorists is two years in Texas, bear in mind that minors and individuals with mental disabilities may be exempted from this deadline, allowing for a longer period during which they can file a claim or lawsuit. Ultimately, it is best to file as soon as possible to get started on the process, particularly if you need to cover expenses toward ongoing recovery from injuries.

What happens if the at-fault driver has minimal or no insurance coverage?

Sometimes, the at-fault motorist in a motorcycle accident may not have sufficient insurance, or they may not have any insurance. In these cases, you may not be able to recover damages from that motorist, which is why you need to make sure you have uninsured/underinsured motorcycle insurance coverage. Umbrella insurance policies may also be ideal to purchase for added financial security in the event of a motorist accident.

Through your own insurance coverage, you may still be able to recover compensation following a motorcycle accident, even if the other motorist carries little or no insurance. Even if you do not have your own insurance, you may have insurance under a family member’s policy, which could include uninsured motorcycle coverage. However, many policies require that family members of policyholders live in the same household.

If you were a passenger on a motorcycle when an accident took place, you can also check to see if the motorcyclist has insurance, as this may cover you along with your own insurance.

When should I hire a motorcycle accident attorney?

In most cases, when an individual sustains injuries in a motorcycle accident because of another person’s negligence, the injury victim may file a claim against the liable party. If the accident results in wrongful death, the victim’s loved ones may also file a claim against the other individual. On the other hand, these cases can get complicated, particularly if many parties and complex factors contributed to the accident.

If injury victims or their loved ones believe another party was at fault for the accident and wish to file a claim, they will need to prove that negligence took place. This process could become challenging to navigate, which is where a motorcycle accident lawyer in Harlingen may help. An experienced and qualified attorney may help navigate negotiations with insurers, collect and maintain evidence to support a claim, or even provide representation in court if the case becomes a lawsuit.

It is often best to consult with a lawyer to determine if you have a valid claim. An attorney could also detail specific options available to you if you are unsure what they are in your case.

Contact Our Trusted Harlingen Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Today

Kenny Perez Personal Texas Injury Lawyer

Harlingen Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Kenny Perez

The process of filing a claim or lawsuit following a motorcycle accident comes with certain risks. Insurers may try to reach a low settlement or deny the claim, and collecting and presenting evidence to support a claim is often difficult.

Our skilled team of Harlingen motorcycle accident lawyers can give you the guidance you need throughout the process, whether you require help with the claims process or need to take the case to court.

Some of these answers may help you better understand how to approach a motorcycle accident case. If you have additional questions and believe you have a viable claim, a personal injury attorney may assist you. Typically, an experienced team of personal injury attorneys at Kenny Perez Law offer a free consultation to discuss the matter and the legal options available. Contact a Harlingen motorcycle accident attorney at (956) 420-6885 or complete our online contact form today for more information.


Kenny Perez Law

513 E Jackson Ave # 304,
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 659-9553

Definitely a law firm that you can trust! Professional, reasonable, and knowledgeable. The legal team has great customer service skills. They were able to help and guide us every step of the way after our accident.” – Cynthia Barrera
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