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Harlingen Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

A spinal cord injury is a catastrophic and life-changing event. If you suffered a spinal cord injury due to another person’s negligence somewhere in Harlingen, a Harlingen spinal cord injury lawyer can help you fight for compensation.

The damages you incur can cause you physical, emotional, and financial hardship throughout your lifetime. Protect your best interests and contact Kenny Perez Law now for a free case consultation.

Common Causes of Harlingen Spinal Cord Injuries

Harlingen Spinal Cord Injuries - Common Causes

According to the Mayo Clinic, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries.

Dangerous drivers take to Texas roadways every day and engage in the following types of negligent behavior:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Distracted driving due to texting, reaching for items, or other types of distractions
  • Drifting to sleep behind the wheel because of an undiagnosed sleeping disorder or lack of rest
  • Aggressive driving such as speeding or purposely tailgating that escalates into road rage

Millions of licensed drivers travel throughout Texas and the Harlingen area yearly. One split second of negligence by another person can forever impact your life. In addition to motor vehicle accidents, other common causes of spinal cord injuries include:


A slip and fall accident due to property owner negligence can result in a spinal cord injury. Cords stretched across a floor and staircases with no handrail are just two examples of how a slip and fall can occur. In addition to a spinal cord injury, victims may suffer a brain injury or broken bones.

Harlingen property owners owe invitees to homes, restaurants, stores, and other locations, a safe environment. If the property owner knew about the hazard or it existed so long they should have known, they are typically negligent.

Texas law refers to slip and fall accidents as premises liability cases. These types of personal injury claims and lawsuits are complex and best left to a lawyer.

Acts of Violence

A violent encounter with another person can result in a spinal cord injury. Gunshot and knife wounds are two types of violence that can damage the spinal cord.

An act of violence involves criminal charges if law enforcement catches the suspect. The criminal court process has no bearing on your civil case. You may still pursue compensation for your spinal cord injury, regardless of the outcome of a criminal case.

Sports and Recreation Accidents

A day enjoying the outdoors with friends can turn tragic due to negligence. Defective gear or unsafe conditions can change your life in a second. A spinal cord injury can prevent you from enjoying the great outdoors of the Harlingen ever again.

These are a few examples of the common causes of spinal cord injuries. If you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury due to the negligence of another person or company, seek help from Kenny Perez Law as soon as possible.

Negligence and Your Spinal Cord Damages

The spinal cord sends and receives messages from the brain regarding movement and sensation. A traumatic accident that damages the spinal cord disrupts this communication, resulting in some form of paralysis.

Adjusting to a spinal cord injury requires changes to your home. Expensive modifications to accommodate a power chair and the power chair itself are just two examples of costs necessary for your mobility.

When a spinal cord injury results due to negligence, the liable party and not you should pay these costs.

At Kenny Perez Law, we generally fight for the following types of compensation:

  • Medical expenses for current and future medical care
  • Lost wages due to time missed from work due to your injury
  • Loss of potential future earnings if you are unable to return to your job
  • Pain and suffering

You must file your spinal cord injury lawsuit within the required statute of limitations. Texas law allows two years from the date of the accident to file a civil lawsuit.

Adjusting to a new way of life takes time and can cause you to lose track of time. Twenty-four months is not much time when it comes to building a solid case for compensation. If you fail to file your lawsuit within two years, you miss your opportunity to pursue compensation forever.

How a Harlingen Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Can Help You

A spinal cord injury sometimes requires a combination of surgery, rehabilitation, therapy, and medication. The time immediately following your tragic accident is not the time to deal with the intricate details of your case.

Hiring a Harlingen spinal cord injury lawyer can help you protect your best interests. At Kenny Perez Law, we stand up to insurance companies and fight for the compensation our clients both need and deserve.

Accident victims understandably experience feelings of confusion and anxiety. Let us help you through this difficult time. You will find our team caring, compassionate, and ready to get to work on your behalf.

Get Help From Kenny Perez Law Today

Kenny Perez Personal Texas Injury Lawyer

Harlingen Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer, Kenny Perez

You have a right to pursue a civil claim and lawsuit for your damages. However, insurance adjusters may attempt to settle with you before you hire an attorney. Do not give in to their high-pressure tactics, and contact a compassionate Harlingen spinal cord injury lawyer at Kenny Perez Law instead. Accepting a settlement without legal guidance can make your situation more complicated, should your condition worsen.

Personal injury law is complex and challenging. Rest easier knowing your case is in good hands. Reach out to Kenny Perez Law today at (956) 544-9292 for a free case consultation regarding your Harlingen spinal cord injury.

Kenny Perez Law

513 E Jackson Ave # 304,
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 659-9553

Definitely a law firm that you can trust! Professional, reasonable, and knowledgeable. The legal team has great customer service skills. They were able to help and guide us every step of the way after our accident.” – Cynthia Barrera
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